CEBaP will attend the ISBT Congress 2024


From 23 to 27 June, CEBaP will attend the 38th International ISBT Congress, which will take place in Barcelona, Spain. This highly anticipated congress will bring together experts and professionals from across the globe to share their latest research, ideas, and experiences in the field of transfusion medicine.

In the aftermath of the research we conducted in the context of the Strengthening voluntary non-remunerated plasma collection capacity in Europe (SUPPLY) project, we were invited to give a lecture entitled ‘How would we decide on a good plasmapheresis frequency?’ in the Donors and Donation Working Party Session.
In line with the topic of this lecture, we will also present the detailed results and conclusions of our systematic review that investigated the impact of plasmapheresis frequency on donor health in the session 'Plasma – the big picture'.
Finally, our systematic review on the effectiveness of eating/drinking interventions to reduce vasovagal reactions in blood donors was selected for a poster presentation.

We are looking forward to presenting our work, attending different sessions, symposia, and workshops, and networking with experts and researchers concerning our two primary research topics related to blood banking: donor selection and Patient Blood Management.