
Cochrane Belgium

Belgian Red Cross collaborates closely with Cochrane Belgium, located at the Belgian Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (Cebam). Cochrane Belgium is one of the Cochrane centres representing Cochrane worldwide. Cochrane is an international network of collaborators from over 130 countries, consisting of researchers, healthcare professionals, patients and others interested, working together to produce credible, accessible health information, free from commercial sponsorship or any other conflicts of interest.

The main goals of Cochrane Belgium are:

  • to promote Cochrane and its work in Belgium;
  • to increase the quality and number of (Cochrane) systematic reviews produced through training;
  • to improve the knowledge transfer from high-quality Cochrane evidence to Belgian health professionals, researchers, policymakers and the general public

For more information, visit the website of Cochrane Belgium.

In collaboration with the Doctoral Schools of several Belgian universities, Cochrane Belgium regularly hosts 3-day courses on conducting systematic reviews. In 2024, courses were organised at the UCL, KU Leuven and UGent, along with an open course in Leuven. On each of these four occasions, a CEBaP researcher taught the theoretical and practical sessions on "Analysing dichotomous and continuous data & Introducing meta-analysis". New courses are coming up in 2025. Visit the Cochrane Belgium website for the latest updates.


The mission of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) is to identify and review international science and information relevant to cardiopulmonary resuscitation, emergency cardiovascular care and first aid, and to offer consensus on treatment recommendations. The evidence evaluation process is performed by different task forces.

One of the CEBaP researchers is a member of the ILCOR First Aid Task Force. This Task Force identifies and prioritizes first aid questions to be addressed and performs detailed evidence reviews using the GRADE methodology.


EBPracticeNet is a consortium of Belgian organisations for which Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is a high priority, including the Belgian Red Cross. They host a digital database with evidence-based guidelines for Belgian care providers, which also includes our first aid guideline for laypeople