Tweets by @CEBaP_evidence

CEBaP 21-04-2023 13:25

Interested in how we developed the evidence-based guideline 'First Aid for First Responders in Sub-Saharan Africa'?

CEBaP 20-04-2023 16:51

Nice (Dutch) app by @CEBAMvzw for evidence-based health information!

CEBaP 20-04-2023 16:40

RT @GuyattGH: Recent GRADE guidance offers insights into how systematic review and guideline authors can integrate evidence from randomized

CEBaP 19-04-2023 09:34

RT @GezEnWet: Langdurige blootstelling aan pesticiden vergroot het risico op de ziekte van Parkinson, al is het nog niet zeker om welke pes

CEBaP 19-04-2023 09:33

RT @cochranemthds: Want to know more about how to handle heterogeneity in your Cochrane review? The recording from our latest web clinic on


CEBaP junior researcher at 3 Minute Thesis Competition

CEBaP Junior Researcher and PhD student Irvin Kendall turned in a brilliant performance at KU Leuven's 3 Minute Thesis Competition (3MT). 3MT is an international contest where PhD students from...

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